Shakespearevsky – Open Discussion on the Cold War Theater Collection

Photo: Fortepan/Szabó Gábor

Shakespearevsky – Open Discussion on the Cold War Theater Collection

October 1, 2021, 5:00 p.m.
Blinken OSA
1051 Budapest, Arany János u. 32.

Thanks to the work of Balázs Leposa, archivist at Blinken OSA, the Archives has a new curated collection, revolved around the Cold War period of the Hungarian theater scene. The collection is a selection from Radio Free Europe materials preserved at Blinken OSA; Information Items from RFE’s New York office, and Biographical Files related to theater life in Hungary. This curated collection can serve as a gold mine for theater historians, but the easily searchable documents with text recognition can also catch the interest of the general public. On October 1, 2021, we are organizing an open discussion moderated by the curator-archivist.

More about the program:

Did the Reds enroll Shakespeare? Little Red Riding Hood and the Kulak wolf? Did famous actors hold anti-regime cabaret sketches in private homes?
Cherry-picking from the Cold War Theater Collection, with regards to the above-mentioned questions we try to show insight into the theater history of Socialist Budapest, as well as its Western and American reception. During the open seminar, we strive to provide the audience with the experience of joint research, discussing, with the participation of the audience, topics like the relations between theater and power, Sovietization, the peculiarities of the cultural sphere takeover, as well as the role RFE played.

The discussion will be in Hungarian.

Invited guests:

Jákfalvi Magdolna theater historian
Szőnyei Tamás music researcher, journalist
Leposa Balázs archivist

The number of participants is limited, please RSVP!

Social distancing, wearing of masks and vaccination cards are mandatory.

The talk will be streamed on Facebook and the website of Blinken OSA.